Monday, February 25, 2019

Weekly Email l l l l l

Hey Everyone! Another week passes and so another Email sends!

This week was great! we got so much done! We went to a ward party, moved a ton of furniture, taught some lessons, slid around in the ice, went to a mission prep class, and spoke in one of our wards!

-Elder Darcey

jk that's not all I'm going to write.

But that is a really great description of this weeks activities. 

I guess the only crazy thing that happened is that Elder Hicks and Elder Schabel hit their year marks, and so they burned some pants. It was super snowy and cold that night.

The other AWESOME thing that happened is that I received word that the first person I ever taught/baptized in the mission hit their year mark (24th of Feb) and are going to the Temple the 9th of march. And I get to go to that also! I am so excited! The last year has been a blast! I am stunned that it has been so long already! The last year has really taught me a lot, and I am so thankful that I have been able to do this.
Anyway I discovered a really cool thing in the Gospel Library app this week, STUDY PLANS. It lets you put in a date that you want to study x thing by, and it splits it up into breaks and then you can have it remind you to read the part for that day/week. it's really cool and I highly recommend using it if you find that you aren't being consistent in your scripture/conference/saints-vol-1 reading. It's really cool.

Anyway that's All I got for this week right now, I will be back for more another day!

-Elder Darcey

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Tues. Feb. 12, 2019   Continued...


We went to the Temple this morning. So our P-day was today instead of yesterday.

This week was meh. I was sick the whole week and Elder Hicks wasn't feeling the best either. at least we got a lot of studying in. but i'm still not quite caught up with my own challenge oops. Anyway I made cookies on Tuesday for the District to try and spread my misery but no one else got sick. Elder Hicks and I are getting a lot better though and will definitely be able to get back to work saving souls. 

I don't remember what I wanted to talk about so I won't.

Today was pretty cool so far we got to go to a really cool store in IF called WeeBee Toys. they had lots of cool over priced awesome stuff. Another Elder got a yoyo because there was a really cool guy there who impressed us all. then we went and had good cheep mexican food. Now we are Emailing and then soon we are going to hang out and play some games. Then we are going to go and teach a cool family. It's going to be great.

Anyway we have to go. But I can Email all the way 'til 5 so if there are questions you guys want answered I can do that. Also I will be uploading pictures until then also.

That's All I got. 

Humidifiers are the greatest man made invention

-Elder Darcey

Emails from Sick People

Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2019

Hi we are going to the Temple this morning. I will Email later today.

I don't have a lot to talk about this week because we were sick the whole time. So can you let me know what paople want to hear from me? 

Monday, February 4, 2019

Mon. Feb 4, 2019


Anyway Transfers were this week Elder Harvey is in Menan and My new Companion is Elder Hicks. He is great. 

Anyway go listen to the Recording then read the rest of the Email.

Transcript of the recording:  
Hi Everybody this one is going to have to be pretty quick.  It's 8:42 on the fourth of Feb 2019.  This is the Monday after transfers and I have a new companion named Elder Hicks.  He is not from the South, but from Arizona.  I really don't know him yet, but we're getting there.  Its been a great week. Lots of stuff, but for Friday when I was sick.  

Elder Harvey and I went around to lots of people and told them of the change and got ready for Elder Hicks coming in.  We had a great time.  As far as other stuff we did, there wasn't a ton of it as Elder Harvey packed and I cleaned the apartment.  That is all the goal stuff until Thursday.  Elder Harvey is now in Menan, between and he is training somebody and I am 
He just last served in the IF Central stake and has come to join me and it will be a great time.

I just got really messed up by transfers, we got a ton of stuff this one.  Basically there were two sets of missionaries, along with us the Sisters served.  After transfers they took one of our wards and two of the Sisters wards and made another area for three sets of missionaries in the IF stake.  Prior to this they were Senior missionaries there the Savitches.  Long story short, all four sets of us are working in the stake and that's crazy since I've never heard of more than two sets.  We typically have 5 or 6 wards, now we have 3.  Also, super convenient for the new elders is that they got our best wards and I'm not salty about that or anything... at all.   I'm grateful for the opportunity to focus more.   One of our wards would take all of our time, Taylors Crossing.  They are the furthest ward away from us and we would walk down and back and four days a week.  Now we can focus on Grandview Ward that is falling apart and that's a good thing.

Transfers, 11:30 we went to mission office, dropped off Elder Robinet and got Elder Hicks and got some quick shopping and headed to the apartment and started planning and that got disrupted by a lesson teaching and then introduced Elder Hicks to some of our bishops.  Elder Hicks is a real funny guy and was with his previous comp. for eight months that is unheard of.  He was in his other area 9 months which is pretty much close to the record of one year.  He has siblings, he's 21 and he has a ... well, I don't know much.  That's all I got.  

I had to go turn down the oil and now I've forgotten where I was.  Friday we woke up with a sore throat and I kept working because I'm an idiot, apparently.  I got up and had to go down to the visitors center and correlate and so that was really cool to have eight of us in this tiny room and we were talking and helping them feel better about whitewashing and that means they came in together and they are both new to the area.  We helped them and the sisters helped and they were really glad to have more information.  

In walked some members from my previous area and we went to the office and picked up supplies and headed over to grab lunch but I was too sick.  I was out of it and eventually the housing coordinator came over and we were shoveling and I had to sit down half way through and I went in and came back out and I was exhausted and had shivers and at about 4:45 we stopped and dinner was at 5:30 and I was sitting in the bathroom on the tub wall and I was really feeling sick and then I was barfing and then we cancelled dinner and I slept off the evening.  That is the first time I have been sick so I'm lucky.  

Next day we were able to do a ton of stuff and...

I just went and checked my scone bread and it's looking pretty puffy.  We have two sets of Elders coming over to eat breakfast with us and so I gotta go.  I'll write later.  

Later:  So Saturday we also went to a Baptism That Elder Hicks and his previous companion setup before transfers. then we did a ton of other visits in the evening and then it was raining all day and Elder Hicks slipped on Ice and landed in a lake.(big puddle) it was not cool. After that a member took up for Ice cream to end the night. 

Sunday was great. except no one was available because of the superbowl... ow-well. but we did have a weird experience in the evening when we decided to randomly drop in on an elders quorum pres. here and we found ourselves within a few short minutes giving a blessing of comfort to some (I don't know them) random person. that was a cool experience.  Knock, knock, come in can you give a blessing? sure. 

I will get more pictures with Elder Hicks in the coming days as I have none yet. oops.

-Elder Darcey