The 31st started with the crown of district leader being passed to me. The previous leader acending to the height of Zone leader. After church meetings we had the Sunday devotional. Speaker Brad Wilcox. So that was cool. He spoke on a ton of different things but of the two that I particularly remember, one was a story where he and an Elder are on a train, and the cabin they are in has a plaque that states "The Pope Sat In This Cabin" and the Elder was extremely excited by this. Then Bro. Wilcox said to the Elder "I am going to make a new plaque. One that reads "Here sat Elder___ who has more authority to represent Jesus Christ than the pope.""
Too bad MTC talks aren't released like BYU ones are.
We also got to watch the Character of Christ which was a talk I had not seen until now. If you have not seen/listened/read it before do it now. I can wait...
Now that you have seen it, we can continue.
On Monday we had our first TRC (Totally Real-people Center) that's where we go and teach members who everyone says are actually investigators. haha I jest. Out of our two people Emily and Jeff, Jeff has an actual chance of being a investigator but Emily not so much. We had continued meetings throughout the week with them, and honestly the first days meetings were awful. But the more Elder Brown and I were teaching, the better it has gotten by leaps and bounds. Also Monday we met our fourth teacher bro Lyon! The day ended with a spontaneous ULTRA-SPIRITUAL zone meeting in our room late at night. Basically the Elders before us were leaving in the morning and so we went around and bore some awesome testimonies about each other and the work they would be doing in just a few days. It was Awesome.
On Wednesday, we got to host the new missionaries entering the MTC. All we had to do was pick them up from the basement, take them to their room, then take them to their class. The second Elder (only did two) that I did was going to Alaska. so that's cool. Elder Johnson used a fake Scottish accent to host, and one of the fathers of an Elder was actually Scottish and he didn't realize it was fake.
And Friday we had an awesome TRC lesson, plenty of studying time, and between classes Elder Brown and I had a spirited conversation about what fiction story (movie/book/tv-show) had the best, and the most realistic, portrayal of time travel. (harry potters makes the most sense, but is entirely unrealistic.)
Our laundry is finishing up so I am out-a-time. After I am done here we are going to head back to our residence, clean up a bit, then prepare a lesson for tomorrow.
Always send your questions and thanks for reading!
--Elder Darcey
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