Hi Family and everyone! I am going to actually write an Email this week because there is so much to talk about.
Anyway better start at the start with

We went to Rexburg in the morning to go to the "meet the mission president" meeting that our new mission president, President Hurley was holding. We were able to meet his family and meet him and get some history about him and where he was from. He is a auctioneer from Pennsylvania, he has 6 kids one is on a mission another is in college after serving a mission and the rest are in between Pennsylvania and Idaho, as they needed to attend the state fair at home before they could come. His family is big on getting things done. His son has sold Strawberries for the last several years, His kids are all in charge of their own animals, and stuff like that. His youngest was there with him and his oldest came in a little bit later. My companion got a lesson in auctioneer-ing and everyone thought it was hilarious when he said "two-duh-duh-duh" I have a recording of him getting the lesson so I will be passing that along at the end of this Email. Anyway we had lunch and then everyone ducked out.

On our way back to Ashton we got a call from some Debbie and Richard (people we are teaching) and it turns out that Richard had double pneumonia and was headed to the hospital in IF. We quickly got a hold of some Elders down there to give him a blessing and they said they would stop by.
After that we found out what we were going to be doing to help the fourth of July celebrations. We were going to be helping the parade (a parade so nice, they show it twice) by keeping people from going too far into the street. The rest of that story will wait til Thursday when it actually happened. Anyway on to,
Where we had District Council and everyone was real excited about President Hurley and the Fourth of July celebrations. The rest of the day wasn't too crazy. We went to dinner and they basically gave us another dinner to take home with us. It was a crazy amount of food. Also I don't think I have mentioned it yet, but during this whole week the person that we live with has had children and grandchildren over the whole time. There were so many of them.

Started early with a trip into Ashton to help people setup for the farmers market. While we were there. someone called us over told us to go to Trails Inn across the street and get her a cinnamon roll. And then told us to grab some for ourselves. After that we got our orange vests, and ate our rolls, and went to the parade to help. We would walk up and down the street to collect candy and throw it behind the slowly creeping line of kids. Everyone would slowly slide out further into the street, and then I would come by and abruptly ruin all their fun by asking them to please move back so you don't die. But the kids were having none of that. Anyway during the parade I ran into a family that I knew back in Ucon... Forever ago... anyway they were there for the parade but just so happened to run into me. And then for the rest of the parade, if I walked in front of them they would cheer like I was in the parade. Twas silly. We had a great time doing that. When that was over we went to several other places in town and talked to a billion people and got snow-cones, and lunch at the city BBQ and then we helped Richard and Debbie, by letting their dogs out for just a bit, then we finished off the day by jumping from party to party. In the Evening we picked up our District Leader so that we could go on exchanges on,
We had our District leader with us the whole day, and we spent the day in West Yellowstone! We did service at a cabin at Henry's lake, then tried several people in Island Park, not home, then went to west and tried a ton more people, then went to dinner and then taught a new person, and all sorts of cool stuff. We grabbed some Ice Cream and then headed back down to Ashton to end our Exchange. The next day was
Where not a lot happened, because we had to walk around a lot because we used a lot of miles on Friday. We drove around more on
Where we went up to West again to attend their Sacrament Meeting. There were probably half a thousand people there. They had two sacrament tables, each table had 12 water trays. It was bonkers. We were able to help with a youth class after that, then headed back down to Ashton. On our way down we tried to find someone's house, but instead we drove by it three times and wasted 13 miles. rip.
And that was basically the week!
Elder VanOrman had steak thrown on his shirt but it cleaned right off.
I found a pen in the wash with my cloths, but some rubbing alcohol later, that is coming out.
Rose: All the fun on the Fourth
Thorn: Being 300 miles over our car mileage limit right now
-Elder Darcey
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