Hey everyone I sent this email at 8 this morning and just realized that I didn't put any recipients in the 'to' field so I am re sending my email sorry
Hi everyone! Sorry for the crappy email last week! I just wanted to say that it's been super rainy and so that's why.

Anyway this week has been pretty normal. We visited a ton of people, drove a ton of places, and did more service! Actually fun story about the service. Thursday. There is a monthly food bank handout Ashton. And volunteers help with all the labor that morning. So naturally we are there. But the funny thing was when they started pulling food off of the truck I recognized some of the pallets. I realized that I had helped pack similar pallets of food just a month previous also at a service activity at the food bank. It was great, odd, wonderful, to see them here.
Right now I am typing this out on a crappy Bluetooth keyboard at 9am in our apartment because It is unlikely that I will have anytime at an actual computer to do this. Oh well. Last week I had that hope and look what happened there.
Anyway probably the coolest thing that we did this week was we taught Mission Prep again, and this time we knew about it beforehand and were able to prepare effectively. I think it went really well! We had a blast talking about the Atonement of Jesus Christ and why it was important as a missionary. It was super cool and a really good time.
Anyway just some random stuff before I go,
Bill (the member we live with) has a grandson living with him as well now. He just got back from his mission is Nicaragua and is going to BYUI.
There is officially no snow in Ashton anymore. It only took an extra two months than the rest of our mission.
West Yellowstone still has snow.
Anyway that's all for now! Hope everyone has an awesome week, I have some pictures from service, so check that out, and that's it!
Elder Darcey
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