Just face it! I am bad at email.
This Sunday we got transfer calls I am going to Ashton to be with Elder Taea. I don't know who he is...
Also Saturday I got to be with My trainer again and we went through the temple with the first person I baptized in my mission! It was crazy awesome! then We rushed over to another baptism that I had helped teach, and while I was doing all of this my companion was also!
That's actually all that I was able to write last week before not sending a letter or writing anything else. Oh well. Hopefully I do a lot better this week and I am able to finish my thoughts.
Anyway to finish my last thought I was talking about Saturday the 10th when I went to an Endowment session and a baptism while my companion Elder Hicks went to his own baptism at the same time! It was a crazy awesome day. Anyway nothing else important happened that week so I will now skip to this week!
Sunday we received transfer calls and I knew I was going to be in Ashton with Elder Taea. I didn't know him at the time but now I've had three days with him and I can say that he is awesome! He is from Hawaii near the Temple!
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