This Saturday, we had a (my first) Baptism!! Nita was able to be ready and her kids were there too! We are trying to work with her son Ethan (NM) also, but we will see if we can get him too. SUPER AWESOME!! The other Elders in the area were also there. during the baptism we got up and taught the first lesson and you could cut the spirit with a knife it was so powerful!
The rest of the week was spent with lots of teaching and lots of cleaning! Because we moved into a place WAY CLOSER to our area. It's a real *interesting* place... none of the walls are parallel and the windows poke out.... and from the front the house looks kinda like an Owl... but it's all ours, and it's all we need.
On Friday we went to IF to go to a great meeting where the people over ALL OF MISSIONARY TECHNOLOGY were there... so that was awesome to give them feedback directly, ask some questions we were confused about, stuff like that. The meeting was suppose to be for Zone Leaders only... but President asked us to be there! So I think that was super good! Elder Anderson even got the Email of the guy in charge!
This week transfers will be happening. Basically nothing happened to us, but we are now in a super tiny district, that is us, our district leader and his companion... and that's it. So that's weird.
This Saturday, we had a (my first) Baptism!! Sister N. was able to be ready and her kids were there too! We are trying to work with her son Ethan (NM) also, but we will see if we can get him too. SUPER AWESOME!! The other Elders in the area were also there. during the baptism we got up and taught the first lesson and you could cut the spirit with a knife it was so powerful!
Then the day after she was confirmed and given the Holy Ghost!! It was also fast Sunday and she gave an awesome testimony!
The rest of the week was spent with lots of teaching and lots of cleaning! Because we moved into a place WAY CLOSER to our area. It's a real *interesting* place... none of the walls are parallel and the windows poke out.... and from the front the house looks kinda like an Owl... but it's all ours, and it's all we need.
On Friday we went to IF to go to a great meeting where the people over ALL OF MISSIONARY TECHNOLOGY were there... so that was awesome to give them feedback directly, ask some questions we were confused about, stuff like that. The meeting was suppose to be for Zone Leaders only... but President asked us to be there! So I think that was super good! Elder Anderson even got the Email of the guy in charge!
I have been asked to give a rundown of our day from wake up to sleep so I will now do so.
6:30 up and walking around. I will do lots-o-stretches and Anderson will do similar(when it warms up and is not snowing we will go running)
7ish Shower
7:30ish breakfast
8 study. serious study.
10 companion study. role-plays, and stuff like that to prepare for teaching people.
10:45ish planning plan the day and our appointments and what we could be doing to help others.
11:30 quick lunch then we leave for the day and meet people and go do service and stuff.
5ish dinner at a members/less active/investigator house
then we do some more meetings, until
9 Go Home
write in journal, do a little bit more study....
9:30-10:30 Sleep
and that's a day!
Send questions you have for me! and whatever else you want to know!
As for Mail.... we aren't sure if the post comes to our house or not..... so send it to the mission office for now.
The Gospel is true and the work is real!
-Elder Darcey II
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