This last week has been awesome! We found two new people in our area who want to take the lessons!
Brad: Might have once been a member, but he says that he isn't, and wants to come back/Join. We knocked on his door and he invited us in to talk about the gospel, we couldn't talk long then but we came back later and talked for a while about the restoration, and also about The Book of Mormon, he also knows A TON about the Bible, but he is super nice and we hope that he will come to church!
And Warren: He is an pretty old guy, his Wife is LDS but he isn't, he was raised in Idaho, so he has had lots of experience with the church, but, he never was baptized. We knocked on his door on Friday, and just like with Brad he invited us in and we talked a while! We will probably start lessons next week.

The snow looked like DippinDots so that was kinda weird. The snow was melted by the time we got to our next appointment.
It was also Zone Conference on Tuesday, so we got to head up to Rexburg and had some awesome meetings with, President Nelson, the APs, Even Elder Davis (our District Leader) spoke on helping the members and the leaders of the wards get excited for missionary work! That was super awesome, and we learned a lot!
The whole mission is finishing up reading the Book of Mormon again on the 31st. And I am slightly behind. I only have to read from Jacob 2 to Mosiah 5 today, in order to stay on schedule. the rest of the mission is at Ether 15 today...
Anyway that was pretty much our week. It really is great out here.
If you don't like the weather, take 5. It will have changed by then. -Elder Darcey II LTPS
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