This week it has come to my attention that you don't know much about my companion. Time to resolve that.
Elder Anderson is from San Jose in California.
He has been out on the mission for "Just over a year"
He has two younger brothers, likes any food nearby, and won't tell me his birthday.
He plans to go to BYU Provo after his mission and go into computer science and business.
He has already made several apps and a website. ( )
This week was quick but good. Monday, I emailed you guys and sent out letters that have my actual address on them.
Tuesday some stuff happened and WE WERE GIVEN OUR PHONES?!?!?!?!? Yea. anyway. that basically took up the whole day. But, now we will be using an app (that's kinda iffy and buggy) instead of our physical planners that everyone loves and doesn't want to give up. Elder Anderson managed to squirrel-away enough planners to last him the rest of his mission. I on the other hand do not. Oh well.
Wednesday through Friday the work was consistently finding people, talking a little bit, then meeting with people the previous Elders had been working with. We did however, find the coolest gravel pit ever. (pictures coming) and that was a coool little while walking around and meeting the people that lived there.
Saturday after finishing up our weekly reports we went and talked to some members and met a family who has a miniature horse living with them. (sorry had no camera on me). That was weird and also really cool and kinda weird still.
Sunday we went around to every Sacrament meeting we could and bore our testimonies of the truth of the gospel and the power of the Atonement. We also met a really cool guy who is working on making a chat bot for and he needs us to give him questions and answers so he can train the AI. That's really cool and I can't wait to see how well it works. and that brings us to today!
I love hearing about the family keep emailing me because I can keep answering today until 6 (because we have phones)! -Elder Darcey
L.T.P.S. (rip ian's curiosity)
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