We are in the Ucon Stake, but only half of it. we are in charge of the Homestead, Monument, Cottonwood, and Yellowstone wards. Both me and Elder Anderson are new to this area. So a lot of the week was spent on getting to know the members, and *trying* to get to know the investigators. (house I live in HERE don't send mail to it send it to the mission office.)(also we aren't in the house we are in the separate garage in a tiny apartment)
BTW turns out we actually were going on a shuttle the whole way to Idaho. So our Wednesday was a normal one until 10:00 when we got on a bus and traveled for an hour, stopped in Salt Lake City for an hour to wait to pick-up another missionary checked out the Church Administrative building and the Joseph Smith Memorial Building, and then we were on the bus for another 4ish hours until we finally got of in Idaho Falls at the mission office. We arrived at 4:45 ish.
Then we spent some time learning about the mission, then we drove to the mission home talked to the AP's (apparently I am a wanted commodity because I can play piano and lead music), and spent another while eating good food from the Nelsons, having quick interviews and eventually learning who our trainers would be. We didn't meet them that night, just got their names. Then sleep because it was 10 already!
Thursday morning we ate amazing waffles from Sister Nelson, and then went back to the mission office to meet our companions and ride the "Transfer Train". But it turns out we don't get to ride it because we are going to a new area and we have to go with the housing coordinator and set up and clean the apartment. We got in his van and traveled to one of his three storage units to pick up a microwave, some desks, chairs, mattresses, and lots of other stuff too. Then we drove to the new area in Ucon. Turns out they decided to split the stake and make two areas out of it. So neither me nor Elder Anderson know whats going on or who anyone is. we spend around 4 hours helping Elder Mardis (Housing) set up the apartment. then we had to go and meet the Ward Missionary Leader for Yellowstone ward Brother Phillips. We ate a little bit then drove around while he told us about all of the less actives, part member families, and investigators in his ward. He knew all of his stuff. It was real amazing. Also he has a metal hand. So that's cool.
Before I go on I am going to go back and talk about the last few days in the MTC
Sunday some stuff happened.
Monday some stuff happened.
Tuesday some stuff happened.
Wednesday I went to Idaho.
There! now we are all caught up!
Just kidding. Some more stuff happened than that.
But not much.
Tuesday I decided to wear my purple tie because the district was getting pictures. And the very first person we saw upon leaving residency complemented it... I am fairly sure that tie is cursed. Also some brownies (and pens and a pillow sheet that I will never sleep on) mysteriously arrived for ME! There was so much that the whole zone got some!
After we met with the Yellowstone WML, we met with the Bishop! Bennett is his name and he knew just as much about the people around as the WML! good on em! By then we needed to head back home finish unpacking and go to sleep!
We went around and tried to meet with all the people on the list that was given us by the previous Elders, we also met with ,as many as were home, the WMLeaders and Bishops! Cottonwood doesn't have a WML! That tells you how well the work in that ward is going! it isn't! We got a ton of dinner appointments with members and even some PI's (sidenote: apparently there will never be a night where I will make my own dinner...) When we ran out of things to do then we walked around and tried some doors near houses we already were going to meet with! Either we ran into a member or we ran into a ᴠᴇʀʏ not member. So that was fun. Eventually it was 9 so we went home and slept.
We spent a large amount of time driving from the stake center (where our wards meet) to people's houses then back to the stake center. (sidenote again: our days currently start at noon ish because of extra study and lunch) After we met with some members tryin to get to know people then we spent a bit of time knocking on doors waiting for meetings. We knocked on one and they were nice but didn't want any, and the next one we knocked on was a member who said "don't bother knocking on that door those people hate the missionaries" so that was funny in the moment. There was also a funeral at the stake center all day so we stopped in after the fact for some food and to help clean everything up. I feel like my hand is going to fall off with all of the handshaking... oh well. Before the day was over we met with an Investigator Nina Klinger. She lives with her two daughters and her son in a house that is almost as bad as that families health problems. That meeting went well, but we won't be seeing her for a while because she has to go to Salt Lake for several different checkups. Her daughters 10-12 have both been baptized, but she hasn't. and both of the daughters are super less active so we have a lot of work to do with them.
So far that's been it! I need to go and write a letter to President, and be done writing!
(sidenote the fourth, back and forth email conversations are totally allowed so if you reply quick I might be able to also reply quick.)
--Elder Darcey
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