Hi it's time for an email!
This week was awesome!

The most important thing happened on Saturday But a ton of other stuff happened that I have to talk about as well!
Tuesday, I said goodbye to Elder Cluff and Elder Corbett who were both finished with their missions. I spent the day with Elder Bahr in my area. Then that night I stayed at their place in Rigby East.

Wednesday I made my last brownies for the Rigby District as when transfers happen on Thursday, my area was going into a different district. Then I spent the day with the zone leader, as his companion had also left. So we spent the day frantically going from his area to mine and back. We cleaned his apartment in preparation for transfers, and neglected mine so it was real gross from all the junk other missionaries had left behind. Anyway, after a few late night meetings and such, we were home to be excited about the morning.
Thursday! Transfers. I yet again hung out with the Rigby East Elders until around 11 when we were supposed to be at the transfer site. We arrived and waited. Eventually it all happened, and I had a new companion, Elder Colon (pronounced Cologne) and we went to work showing him around the area. He has been out for about 4 months, and his last area was Firth. He is really cool. He is from San Diego, and has family from Puerto Rico and Panama. Anyway,
On Friday we did a ton of visits and cleaned the house much. Also got everything ready for someone we have been teaching to be baptized on Saturday.
Saturday a ton of different things happened.
First we helped with an Idaho ERC Exercise (ham radio thing. they were basically testing all the stakes in the state to see how fast they could gather some specific information and report back. (say in the event of an emergency.))
Then Bodie got baptized (awesome)
Then Stake Conference (good. our mission president was there.)
It was a good day (true)
Sunday was also Stake Conference