This week has been great! lots of stuff to do and lots of things happened!
The rest of last Monday was spent playing board games of various variety, and then in the evening we went and taught a girl named Ali. She has been coming to church with her friend for a while, and wants to be baptized soon... So we have been teaching her each Monday, This time we were teaching the Plan of Salvation. She didn't really ask any questions, but we have prepped for a more interactive lesson this week.
Tuesday was also a blast. We met with many of the ward leaders in our area. It seems like there are always more though. That's what happens when you cover a stake!
Wednesday morning I made more brownies because the cream I got on Monday to make whipped cream was totally forgotten about and stayed in the car for a sad day. So I couldn't make pumpkin pie, as there was no whipped cream, and if there is no whipped cream, then what is the point of pumpkin pie. So Brownies! for District Council. They turned out alot better than last weeks brownies. I was using a recipe that a family in Ashton served us. When I first had them I thought they were tricking us and just gave us fudge. but turns out they are just thick brownies... huh.
Transfer news is I am not going anywhere and Elder Cluff is also going nowhere, and staying with me and we still cover the whole stake.
Speaking of Ashton I guess I never talked about some of the coolest people I had the opportunity to teach so far on the mission. The Powell's are people I taught in Ashton. They moved from Arizona around March. My companion and the ward and I helped them move into their house, and then we didn't really have any contact with them for a while. Until, we were at a dinner near where they moved and the family asked us if we had met them. I mentioned I had but my (new by then) companion had not yet. So we went by that night, and they were the most inviting people ever! We taught them until I left, and they are currently planning on getting Baptized September 26th. I am super excited.

Friday was some ward meetings and some lessons that were canceled last minute.
Saturday was spent dying of heat. Not super bad but it was kinda hot.

And that was the Week! Transfers are this Thursday, missionary work continues and it's all a fun time up in Idaho.
Did you skip to the end to read about transfers?! Naughty! The news is somewhere in the middle now...
And it's light grey to make it harder to read...
And it's tiny too...
If you didn't skip to the end. I apologize for jumping to conclusions like that.
The End