Hi Everyone, it's another Email! What a surprise!
This week was awesome! Definitely high points were, Today we visited mesa falls, Sunday we gave talks, and on other days we did other stuff.
I have a lot of pictures from Mesa Falls, It was really pretty when we went this morning. I just wish we had been able to spend more time there. oh well.
My talk I gave was about Missionary Work! Super Convenient! I recorded it and I guess will send it to you, but be aware, I wrote it in the time that Elder VanOrman was speaking before me. Oops I still put off talks til the last moment and that isn't good.
Anyway, if you would rather skip the 'figuring out what to talk about while talking' then I am actually going to write about it now because I think it's really important for everyone to know.
I spoke about how easy it is to share the gospel, in our daily lives. I specifically talked about how in Idaho missionary work is all about the members and without them nothing happens. Anyway, I mentioned how Aaron started teaching simply when he needed to teach king Lamoni, and how we need to be simple and caring in our invitations. We shouldn't walk up to random people and invite them to meet with the missionaries.
That doesn't work (in Idaho) But, we can still invite our friends to church activities and family activities because that is where the spirit is present, and the spirit is how people know this gospel is true. That's why missionaries push the Book of Mormon so much is because when you read it the spirit is present and as you recognize that then you know it's true.
Rose: best crepes I have ever eaten. they had strawberries and Nutella and happiness inside of them.
Thorn: A family we are teaching still hasn't come to church. :(
if you find this either you are cool or something helped you...
-Elder Darcey